Thievery and Mischief
"While war raged in the South and the Rangers of the North were absent, brigands and ruffians took an opportunity to wrest control of Bree...."
While the Rangers of the North were distracted in the South, brigands and ruffians took an opportunity to wrest control of Bree....
Objective 1
The first step to driving the brigands out of Bree is to reclaim the South-gate and gain access to the city itself.
- Second-watcher Heathstraw says, "Ah, good, the reinforcements have arrived. It is good to see the Free Peoples rising up to support Bree."
- Second-watcher Heathstraw says, "I wish I could help, I stormed the gate thirty minutes ago and got this wound for my trouble."
- The South-gate has been cleared. The banner may be claimed for the Free Peoples
- You have reclaimed the South-gate of Bree.
Objective 2
With the South-gate claimed, you can move on to the southern courtyard and the Auction House, a crucial hub of commerce.
- A counterattack has been launched against the South-gate
- The counterattack has been defeated. The South-gate is secure. It is safe to press on
- The Auction Hall has been cleared. The banner may be claimed for the Free Peoples
- You have reclaimed the Auction Hall
Objective 3
The way north has been blocked and barricaded by giant snow mounds, you will have to head west through the haunted alley.
- A counterattack has been launched against the Auction Hall
- A counterattack has been launched against the Auction Hall
- The counterattack has been defeated. The Auction Hall is secure. It is safe to press on
- The haunted alley has been cleared. The banner may be claimed for the Free Peoples
- You have reclaimed the haunted alley.
Objective 4
Claiming the Jailhouse will provide a convenient place to lockup those that remain once the city is back under the control of the Free Peoples.
- A counterattack has been launched against the haunted alley
- The counterattack has been defeated. The haunted alley is secure. It is safe to press on
- The Jailhouse has been cleared. The banner may be claimed for the Free Peoples
- You have reclaimed the Jailhouse.
Objective 5
Without control of the courtyard, you cannot hope to assault and claim Town Hall.
- A counterattack has been launched against the Jailhouse
- The counterattack has been defeated. The Jailhouse is secure. It is safe to press on
- The Courtyard has been cleared. The banner may be claimed for the Free Peoples
- You have reclaimed the courtyard
Objective 6
All that remains is to claim Town Hall and see the banner of Bree-town fly high over it.
- Bálak says, "Bree belongs to us now."
- Bálak says, "Looks like some more meat for the slaughter!"
- Bálak says, "We will never surrender Bree. Prepare to die."
- Bálak says, "Sharkey...forgive me...."
- The Town Hall has been cleared. The banner may be claimed for the Free Peoples
- You have reclaimed Town Hall and freed the south of Bree.
- Second-watcher Heathstraw: 'There is more to do. The world is besieged by evil, but for tonight, we may celebrate a great victory!'
Optional Encounter 1: Defeat Lordfisher
- Encounter: A roar erupts from the alley to the north-east
- Encounter Complete: Lordfisher has fallen to your mighty blow
- Encounter: You hear a soft growling to the east
- Encounter Complete: Padfoot has fallen to your mighty blow
Optional Encounter 3: Defeat Goretusk
- Encounter: Sounds of snorting come from the north-east
- Encounter Complete: Goretusk has fallen to your mighty blow
Optional Encounter 4: Defeat Ned Ashleaf
- Encounter: A door slams behind you, 'So you want a fight?'
- Encounter Complete: Ned Ashleaf has fallen to your mighty blow
- Encounter: A door slams behind you, 'I am free of my shackles and prison!'
- Encounter Complete: Tom Greythistle has fallen to your mighty blow
Optional Encounter 6: Defeat Túkar
- Encounter: A door to the west is flung open, 'The age of man is over!'
- Encounter Complete: Túkar has fallen to your mighty blow
Optional Encounter 7: Defeat Snagbúrz
- Encounter: A raspy voice sounds from the north-west, 'Where is it? Where did it go?'
- Encounter Complete: Snagbúrz has fallen to your mighty blow
Optional Encounter 8: Defeat Gruglup
- Encounter: Crashing of plates and a faint chewing come from the north
- Encounter Complete: Gruglup has fallen to your mighty blow